Tomorrow is the start of 31 books in 31 days.
Please remember you do not have to read 31 books, all you have to do is read.
Prizes range from gift cards to kindle fires to autographed books by New York Times Bestselling authors.
The more you read the more you win.
What is 31 books in 31 days exactly?
Each day for the month of March an author is featured on this blog.
The author is interviewed and provides an autographed book to be raffled off.
In addition to the book, there are prizes that will be raffled off as well.
No one will know if or what the additional prize of the day is, but it could range all the way up to a kindle.
The only exception is the first day, where a 50$ visa gift card is being raffled off to kickoff 31 books in 31 days.
Each day you earn points toward winning the days raffle by reading the selected book, reading a book by the selected author, following the featured author, or reading any book.
No one will know if or what the additional prize of the day is, but it could range all the way up to a kindle.
The only exception is the first day, where a 50$ visa gift card is being raffled off to kickoff 31 books in 31 days.
Each day you earn points toward winning the days raffle by reading the selected book, reading a book by the selected author, following the featured author, or reading any book.
How do I win?
Everyday log on and follow the author of the day.
Try to read the book of the day (and write a 3 sentence review on amazon) and enter the points in a raffle by noon on the following day.
If you don't finish, you can enter the book into a future raffle.
Its really very simple.
The more you play the more you win.
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