So I'm going to change the world. How am I going to change the world? Honestly, I've been thinking about it.
1. I can't step in front of a bullet and stop people from shooting police.
2. I can't control the minds of police officers and stop them from killing unarmed men.
3. I can't prevent prejudice, oppression, racism, sexism or anti-gay sentiment.
I can, however, promote a better way of thinking. I can promote reading. I know that seems anti-climatic, but I thought about how I could change the world over the break. I thought about how my world changes: it changes through reading. When I read amazing authors like Paula Weston
I think all too often we turn on the news, read the newspaper, or go online just to find a world of chaos. And for people-- youth especially-- the realities can be daunting. Everyone needs a place of solace: Somewhere they can find refuge in a world at war. For me books are my oasis. And that is one thing that I can share with the world: my love of books.
So I have started a project called 31 books in 31 days to celebrate national reading month. 31 amazing authors donate their books and their time to promote reading. I haven't fine tuned the idea quite yet so I'll keep you all posted- that and quite frankly my hands are tired of typing and I might as well build some suspense. See you next time.
Loving Ya
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