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Interview with Maria Snyder
Hello Maria,
Thank you so much for participating in 31 books in 31 days. We are so happy to have you. I would first like to gush. I loved your poison study series. I found the first one in a bookstore in the airport. Read the whole book on a flight from California to New York. It was incredible.
MVS: Hello! Thank you for inviting me on your blog. I’m happy to hear you enjoyed my book.
Now that I’ve made myself sound like such a fangirl , let’s get to some questions.
MVS: Nothing wrong with being a fangirl – you should have seen me when I met Barbara Hambly, one of my favorite authors!
When you were a child, who was your favorite author? Why?
MVS: When I was little, I enjoyed books by Leo Lionni – Frederick was one of my favorites books since the main character was like me -- a daydreamer. Then I really enjoyed reading Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys mysteries. My mother read nothing but mystery novels and I copied her. Plus I enjoyed the suspenseful element and trying to figure out “whodunit.”
What is your favorite part of reading?
MVS: I think my favorite part is getting to know new characters and getting lost in new worlds. When I start a new book, I pause around page 30 and ask myself these questions, “Do I care about the main protagonist? If he/she were to die on page 31, would I be upset?” If the answer is NO, then I close the book and find another. If I don’t care about the main protagonist then I’m not going to finish the book no matter how clever the plot or fascinating the world.
I read in another interview that you liked Dick Francis who was a mystery writer. Do you have any
fantasy or young adult authors that you enjoy? If so, what made their books stand out for you?
MVS: I really enjoyed the Morganville Vampire series written by Rachel Caine. The reason those books stood out is that the main protagonist, Claire is smart and she’s interested in science (which is rare in YA books). There is no “insta” love in the books and her roommates are all interesting and engaging characters. I also liked The Hunger Games, by Suzanne Collins. Again because of the main character.
When you think of the main plot—kids killing kids for entertainment—that’s a horrific idea, yet the book
is more about Katniss and her sacrifice and doing what it takes to survive. Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy
the next two books as much because the plot moved away from that and focused more on the
What was the last book that had an impact on your life? What was significant about it?
MVS: The Book Thief, by Markus Zusak. What an excellent book! The writing, the characters, the
subject all so well done! The significance to me was that it made me realize that the German people
were also victims of Hitler and his terrible politics. I knew about the concentration camps, ghettos, and
other atrocities, but never thought of those people who were just trying to live their lives and do the
best they could in a horrible situation. I also recommend I am the Messenger also by Markus Zusak, it’s
completely different than The Book Thief, but also excellent!
If you could jump into the pages of any book, which book would it be?
MVS: I always wanted to be a dragonrider in one of Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern series.
Riding a dragon and having a mental connection/bond with one just appeals to me .
If you could be any fictitious character from any YA book who would you become?
MVS: I’d be Lessa from Dragonflight (the first Dragonrider book) – she bonds with the Queen of the
Tell us a little about your latest novel. What makes your book different from other books in its genre?
MVS: My latest novel is Shadow Study and it’s the fourth book in my Study series of books. I think one
of the reasons my books are unique is that I focus on the characters and the story plots naturally flows
from their choices and wishes. I also like to end each chapter with a mini-cliffhanger so the books are
hard to put down at the end of a chapter. I’ve had many readers email me in the middle of the night,
“yelling” at me for doing this and “making” them stay up all night to finish my book. And I’m not sorry
about that at all! Another thing is with fantasy some writers build these beautiful complex worlds with a
deep history and many creatures and cultures like Lord of the Rings. While these fantasy books are
wonderful, they’re not my style. I’ve told potential readers my books are more like fantasy lite – there’s
magic and a fictional world, but they’re not as dense as those others.
Thank you so much for participating!
MVS: Thanks again for hosting me! If your readers would like more info about me and my books, I have
the first chapter of all my books on my website as well as a number of free short stories (including ones
with Yelena and Valek) they can read. Here’s the link: My Facebook
page is where I’m the most active with updates and news. Here’s the link:
Other Books By Maria Snyder
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