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Today's featured author is Chris Grabenstein. He is the author of our featured boo, The Island of Dr.Libris. He is also the coauthor of a series of books with James Patterson,I Funny: A Middle School Story
Featured book
Interview with Chris Grabenstein
Hello Chris, Thanks for volunteering your time to answer some questions.
1) Firstly, what role does reading play in your life?
A very important one. First thing in the morning, I'm checking the weather report so I know what to wear on my first dog walk of the day. When we get home I read the newspaper and emails and Facebook posts and my Twitter feed. Ah-hah! You thought I was just going to talk about books. But this is what makes writing books that young readers want to read so important: You can't do anything if you can't read. You can't even waste your time playing mindless video game if you can't read the instructions that tell you how to turn your X-box on. But, once you know how to read, you are forever free.
I, of course, also read a lot of books. Usually in the afternoon after I'm done writing. I like to keep up with what my friends and favorite authors are up to. I like to learn new things – non-fiction is a constant companion. I like to be swept away on page-turning journeys and explore new worlds that have to be imagined before they can be seen.
2) What was your favorite book as a child? Why was it your favorite?
Mad's Snappy Answers To Stupid Questions. When I was ten, I bought my first subscription to Mad magazine. Every summer, I would save up my money and buy a half dozen Mad Books. More than any other piece of "literature," MAD taught me the power of words and language. A sense of humor became my best defense against the bullies who tried to terrorize me in middle school. I learned that a punch line is often more powerful than a punch.
3) Is there a book you wish you wrote? What is it and why?
TO KILL A MOCKNGBIRD. Who wouldn't want to be the author of a book that good?
4) What prompted you to write a story about a library? Why did this theme speak to you?
Ever since my first book was published for middle grades readers in 2008, I have spent a lot of time visiting schools. My day usually starts in the Media Center (what we used to call the Library) and I was impressed by the new breed of fun-loving, smart, eager librarians I met. Gone were the tweed-coated shooshers of my youth. These librarians excelled at matching kids with books the kids would love. It made me wonder, "Where were these librarians when I was growing up?" Maybe I would've read some of the exciting books that were around in my youth (instead of all those Mad magazines). Maybe I would've discovered Edward Eager and HALF MAGIC before two years ago. So, I wrote the book as a tribute to the librarians and teachers who make learning and reading fun for kids.
5) What makes your latest book special? Why is it different?
My next book THE ISLAND OF DR. LIBRIS, pubbing on March 24th, is all about the power of imagination to shape our world. In a way, it celebrates one boy's discovery of the power of writing. When characters from books he's reading start coming to life on an island in the middle of the lake where he is spending his summer, Billy must take on the role of writer and try to fashion a happy ending for Hercules, Robin Hood, Maid Marian, Pollyanna, Tom Sawyer, and the Three Musketeers -- as well as his own friends and family.
Other books by Chris
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